Transition to advertising IRIS




Transition to empirical reality

As displays of idea plans of activity, are the first global partition of structure of conceptual model on substructures.

Plans of activity are intended for:

  • establishment of distinction between individual and group thinking;
  • detection of mechanisms of functioning of group and individual subjects of creativity.
  • detection of mechanisms of functioning of group and individual subjects of creativity on a cut of interrelations of small group with other social groups in which it is included.

In total three plans of activity are allocated:

  • the plan of individual activity;
  • the plan of group activity;
  • the plan of inter-group activity.

To the plan of individual activity we relay the semantic and substantial constituents of idea, functioning in individual and group activity. In the variant of the individual activity statements represent substantial and semantic activity directed on a task. In variant of group activity such components function as an independent ones and mean:

· the given individual is directed on itself (is at a stage of intellectual egoism);

· the given individual realizes a stereotype of autonomy (individualistic position of separate participants of group).

To the plan of group activity we relay the semantic and substantial constituents of idea, functioning in group and individual activity. The plan of group activity reflects a way of self-realization of the human individual and a group as an opportunity and necessity of expression of the of the subject's attitude to the partners, to the group as a whole (including itself), and also a realization of joint development of contents, senses in interaction. In the variant of the individual activity the presence of group activity plan means:

· the given individual is included in the meant group subject;

· the given individual realizes a stereotype of jointness.

To the plan of group activity we relay the semantic and substantial constituents of idea, functioning in group and individual activity. The plan of inter-group activity reflects a way of communication(connection) of groups or representatives of groups. An particular display of the plan of inter-group activity is the plan of activity of the experimenter in a laboratory experiment. The plan of activity of the experimenter is allocated as a necessary element of existence of all experimental situation, in relation to speech display it coincides with physical sounding retorts of the experimenter.

Among three above listed plans of activity there will be plans of individual and group activity of our consideration . Accordingly the plan of inter-group activity is reduced in our consideration . Therefore such structural divisions as: spheres, components, kinds, functional elements of conceptual model will be submitted as a symmetry of the plan of group (PGA) and individual (PIA) activity.

All displays of idea (plans of activity):

The plan of  individual   activity

Sphere of inter-subjective interactions PIA______Semantic sphere PIA______Substantial sphere PIA

The plan of group activity:

Sphere of inter-subjective interactions PGA______Semantic sphere PGA______Substantial sphere PGA

Transition to empirical reality

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03