Yatsenko Vitaliy Alekseevich, Head of the Department, leading researcher. vyatsenko Dr. Yatsenko is famous expert in system-theoretical analysis of physical and biophysical nonlinear systems, mathematical modeling, control of chaos, advanced digital signal processing and optimization theory. He is the author of more than 230 scientific papers. Some of them are published in such famous periodicals as "Annals of Operation Research", "Computation Statistics and Data Analysis", "WSEAS Transaction on Systems" and "Mathematical Programming". He was the first to set and to investigate Lyapunov exponents control problem. The paper of him printed in "Mathematical Programming" was recognized the best one in operations research in the USA in 2004. He also was awarded with a diploma "Pierskall Best Paper Award". He was a participant of several international STCU and CRDF projects. He was the project manager for the international STCU project "Optical-cryogenic sensor development for high-precision gravitational measurements". The scientific work main direction is the development of forward-looking space implementation devices using new physical princips.

E-mail: vyatsenko@gmail.com

Yuriy O. Klymenko, senior researcher, candidate (Ph.D). YuraPhoto He is an expert in theoretical physics (solid state physics), molecular electronics, electron properties of nanostructures and polymers, vibration spectroscopy of molecules, theoretical interpretation of experimental data (spectral, vibrational, and electron properties of linear molecules). He has experience in programming (FORTRAN, MATLAB) and using molecular modeling software (MOPAC, GAUSSIAN, HyperChem, Chem3D, etc). He is the author of more than 45 articles in the field of Solid State Physics and Chemical Physics. Participated in a Swiss-Ukraine research project under the program CEES/NIS (1996/97 and 1997/98), in the research projects "Single electron transport in molecular cluster nanostructures and devices", in the current Wisby project "Design and characterization of nanoscale archi-tectures for next generation of bioanalytical and medical applications" (2005-2006), as well as current KVA-project "Metal-semiconductor contact of zigzag/armchair single wall carbon nanotubes: theoretical study of current quantization in a real system" (Sweden, 2007-Present), etc.

E-mail: yurkl@ikd.kiev.ua

Vladimir Nabivach, Senior Scientific Researcher (System analysis & Control Systems), Ph.D.Volodumur He graduated from Lvov Polytechnic Institute. He is an expert in the area of informatics, mathematical modeling, automated control systems and system analysis. The main areas of scientific research are stability of control systems, the invariance theory, mathematical theory of the systems, theory of control systems and applied of the numerical methods. Overall number of publications is more than 55. Developed algorithms and software were used in Hartron Corp. for investigation large dimensional models of control systems.


Liudmyla N. Kolos , researcher.shatohina The research works are dedicated to modeling and evaluation of complex objects in the space activity and processing of remote sensing data using GIS technology. She is: development methods and tools for evaluation projects, directions of space program, scenarios of space activity development using the systems analysis, the theory of choice and decision making, multi-objective optimization, computer simulation; creation technology of flood monitoring using space images in optical range and GIS technology.


Liudmyla V. Pidgorodetska , researcher.shatohina The research works are conducted to develop methodological and technical solutions for nature management tasks using remote sensing data. She is developing image processing algorithms which can be applied to determination of vegetation parameters, particularly crop water shortage of irrigated fields. Also, her research is directed towards the use of multiband space-born data for monitoring of ecological state of surface waters. She is interested in the system analysis, remote sensing and mathematical modeling.


Semeniv Oleg Volodymyrovych, associate researcher, PhD student. semeniv The research works are dedicated to modeling spectral devices and identification of biochemical components in the vegetation. He is developing methodologies of vegetation state estimation using spectral curves and nonlinear component analysis. Also he works over the problem of spectral curves classification. He is interested in the system analysis, remote sensing, nanotechnologies, mathematical modeling, identification, forecasting.

E-mail: oleg_semeniv@ukr.net

Yulia Prutsko, leading engineer. protsko Graduated from the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" in 2007, specialty in telecommunication systems and networks. Field of investigation: using nanostructures in space industry and telecommunication systems.


Sergey Cheremnykh, leading engineer. protsko Graduated from the National Avaiation University of Ukraine in 2007, specialty in Applied physics. He develops mathematical models of equilibrium configurations of plasma in near space in the network of area of space weather. He interests in physics of near space and plasma physics.

E-mail: druidcherem@mail.ru


Ukraine, Kyiv
40 Glushkov Ave
Space Research Institute of NASU and NSAU
"Remote sensing and advanced sensors " department


