Prom-Sitall Scientific-Industrial
Company fullfils works and services cinnected with power economy at
industrial plants as well as at administrative, public and dwelling
SIC Prom-Sitall disposes of high-qualified staff with specialists in
construction, heat and electrical power engineering, water supply, ventilation,
having rich practical experience of work at enterprises of machine building,
constaction, ferrous metallurgy, chemical, mining and food industries.
SIC Prom-Sitall in cooperation with State Commitee for Industrial Policy,
State Commitee for Power Economy, Academy of Architecture and Construction,
JSC Sitall, JSC Promtechmontazh-2 and otther major industrial and construction
companies realizes following works and services in the field of power
resources economy:
Audit of the enterprises
with rendering detailed reports about energy situation there with
grounded recommendations what organization, technical and technological
measures must be taken to ensure economy of energy and other resources. |
Utilization of high-efficiently local-produced
and imported boiling equipment. |
Utilization of reliable local-produced
boiling equipment, operating in fully automatic mode in combination
with imported burners. |
Reduce of power losses in heat mainlines. |
Conversion of some establishments to
local heating systems. |
Use of infra-red heaters for local heating
of huge premises. |
Taking complex measures to reduce power
losses in buildings. |
Use of gas-air heaters to heat small
and large premises. |
Implementation of automatic
operation and control systems for power consumption of enterprises
on the basis of modern electronic countries and computer systems. |
Developing of rational water
supply networks. |
Reconstruction of water supply
networks. |
Design, construction, installation
of water supply networks and buildings. |
Implementation of high efficiently
systems for purification of domestic and industrial run-off. |
Implementation and installation
of equipment for commercial and technological audit of gas, electricity,
water, heating and hot water supply heat. |
Creation of common system
for automotized audit of power resources consumption. |