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About company

Address: 24, Luteranska St., Kyiv, 01024, Ukraine
Tel/Fax: (380 44) 293 6909, 293 5236, 293 9247
Web: http//
License N 000001 of the State Committee of Ukraine for Tourism

Dear Traveller,

President No one and nothing teaches better than travelling. I would add, if you enjoy travelling, choose cruising. This is the way people have travelled for thousands of years. You have visited dozens of countries, seen several continents, sailed different seas? Now it is a turn of Ukraine. For those wishing to see a bit more of the real Ukraine without Staff risking the road network or taking a stuffy train, the Dnipro river offers the perfect opportunity. Follow in the footsteps of the Viking founders of the Kyivsky Rus and the ancient traiders who plied the route from the Baltic to the Black Sea, and see Ukraine at leasure with "Chervona Ruta" Cruise Company. We've been in business since 1990 welcoming people from over 27 countries of Europe, North and South America, Africa, Australia and Far East. At the heart of our tradition is the attention we pay to your needs. All of us at "Chervona Ruta" Cruise Company take seriously our responsibility to provide you with the finest itinerary and services you deserve. So lie back and enjoy cruising, secure in the knowledge that the ship is carrying you effortlessly to your next exciting port of call and multi-lingual staff is taking good care of you, answering your questions and giving you all help and support you need to make your stay successful.

Happy cruising!

Yuri Sokolov, President

Personalised attention to service, fully trained professionals and unequalled experience, it's what makes 75% of Chervona Ruta clients repeat customers!