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A charming city with splendid architecture, ancient golden domed cathedrals and numerous parks on both sides of the mighty Dnipro River, Kviv is a tourist delight that deserves its reputation as one of Eastern Europe's most beautiful cities. Known as the "mother of all Rus cities", Kyiv is now the proud capital of Ukraine. The city displays both the tranquillity of its ancient past and the frenzy of a newly independent nation. While in Kyiv you will visit Kyiv Cave Monastery with its golden-domed churches and mysterious caves.

Founded in the 11th century by Kyivan Prince Yaroslav the Wise, this pleasant city is known today mostly as the burial site of Taras Schevchenko, the great Ukrainian poet and artist. You will visit his museum and gravesite.

Founded as a 16th century fortress, the city today is an important metallurgical center, but tourists know it mostly for its beautiful gardens, parks and sandy beaches. You will also be offered an optional tour to a traditional Ukrainian farm, where you can meet farmers and taste traditional Ukrainian food.

The "city beyond the rapids" is closely associated with the history of the Cossack warriors whose independent 16th-18th century state was headquartered at nearby Khortytsa Island. In the afternoon you may choose to go to Cossack Horse Show, where Cossacks will show their trained horses, and demonstrate the skills of handling firearms and swords. After the show, the traditional "kulish" and Ukrainian vodka will be served.

Stands high above the Dnipro delta, offering commanding views out to the Black Sea. Present-day Black Sea Fleet can trace its origins to the first shipyard in Kherson. From here you will be taken to the beautiful delta of the Dnipro river, stopping off en-route at a traditional fishing village for a picnic. Enjoy meeting the villagers and experiencing their way of life.

Situated in a magnificent natural harbor, historic Sevastopol has changed many times since it was founded as a Greek colony in 421 BC. During the city tour you will visit the scene of the city's heroic defense against the British and French in the Crimean War (1855-56) before snapping the battleships in the bay.

The loveliest Black Sea resort lies in a natural amphitheater framed by the verdant Crimean mountains and the sea. Yalta is a home to the historic Yalta Conference of 1945, attended by Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. You will visit the Livadia Palace, the former summer residence of the Romanov family and the setting for the conference.

Is the former capital of the Crimean Khanate, the roots of the Crimean Tatars, people that have been forcibly expelled from their homes by Stalin's order. You will visit the 16th century palace of khans, harem, Muslim cemetery and hear a beautiful Love Legend near the Fountain of Tears.

Is the third biggest city in Ukraine, often referred to as "little Paris". It is a southern gateway to the state and one of the biggest ports of the Black Sea. There has been a settlement here since ancient times and the city as we see it today was mostly developed during the reign of Catherine the Great. Today it is a bright, elegant and modern city with well-planned streets, beautiful parks and splendid buildings.

Straddles the Dnipro at its broadest bend. The birthplace of assorted Ukrainian politicians, as well as a major industrial center, the city was closed to foreigners until recently. This is the city where Soviet missiles SS-20 were produced.