Definition of a component of the INTELLECTUAL REFLECTION IA |
The applicability of a
component of an INTELLECTUAL REFLECTION of the IA GA consists in intellectual -
semantic maintenance of transformation of conditions of the data in the task text
with the purpose of reception of the required answer. Specialization of a component
on unloading of a sensual susbstance of consciousness by means of intellectual -
reflective functions switches (releases) consciousness on symbolical reflection. The
spontaneous or organized acts of reflection of the given component help to find out new
and to redefine old connections in initial vision of a task.
The intellectual reflection is directed on judgement of the subject movement in the contents of a problem situation and on the organization of the actions transforming elements of this contents. "Mind-orientation" to forthcoming obvious actions not causing doubt and "fixing" of the made steps and the achieved intermediate results; "questions" to the not clear moments in the subject and operational movement, deepening understanding of a problem situation and character of an advance in it, and "estimations" of various features of search, post-defining the attitude of the subject to separate fragments of the contents; the "assumptions" expressing the attitude of the examinee to any key intellectual contents as to unevident, that is conditionally supposed and, at the same time, subjectively authentic so that it could be considered as the basis for "statement" about the subsequent constructive transformation of a problem situation - all this concerns the intellectual - semantic functional elements. The extensive reflection provides control of content progress, intensive one provides correction, constructive one provides generation of the new complete bases. In variant of the individual the statement of the plan of individual activity represent intellectual - semantic activity directed on a problem. In variant of group such components function as rather independent and mean:
Date of updating of the information 28.04.03