Kind "constructive
reflection" realises meta-reflective tasks by means of a reconstruction
of the subject substance in hypotheses that provides generation of the new complete bases. In the structure of the semantic sphere it realises intellectual -
semantic regulation of a productive process in a unwrapped kind through a formulation of
"assumptions" and conclusions about them as "statements".
In the structure of the component intellectual
reflection "constructive reflection" specialises
on an intellectual - semantic system (volumetric) transformation of initial conditions of
a task with the purpose of reception of the required answer.
In the structure of 3ed level of integrity realising
transforming way of penetration in a problemness its functional elements realise
abstraction (distraction) function by means then a subject (person) overcomes his/her
representation about completeness of the data, and creates a new one. Comparisons of a
degree of a generalisation with 1-st level, it is for the benefit of the third level. In
comparison to 2-nd, it occurs not in logic volume, but in conceptual one and it is higher,
than at 2-nd level.
"Constructive reflection" unloads a
sensual stuff of consciousness by means of logic operations which allow to operate with
complete image and also by reductions of subject's (person's) substantial movement on laid
"routes" (as positive effect of "intensive reflection").
In terms of volume of an image "Constructive reflection"
operates with fields, switching and excepting subsystems in system, thus it is intended
for keeping a way of creation of the complete basis.
In the structure of the plan of group
activity "Constructive reflection" specifies
potentially general principle of creation of the common picture. Functions potentially
assume a partnership in the use of a speech arena or a competition for it. |