Transition in unit components




Returning in a component

the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere











intellectual reflection





The kind "extensive reflection" realises meta-reflective notice tasks by means of indication of the initial, non formed opportunities of the decision and fixing of obvious actions not causing doubt steps, that by an unloading a sensual stuff provides realisation of the spontaneous control of substantial progress.

In the structure of the semantic sphere it realises an intellectual - semantic regulation of a productive process at the elementary level.

In the structure of the component intellectual reflection it provides intellectual - semantic maintenance of the transformations of the conditions  given in the text of a task with the purpose of reception of the required answer, as a clearing of the internal plan for the subsequent establishment (reestablishment) of a new connections.

In the structure of 1st level of integrity realising a meta-reflective notice way of penetration in a problemness character of its function they have a high level of an abstractness, and a low level of a generalisation, as the curtailed and reduced form of an intellectual reflection.

"Extensive reflection" non-specifically unloads a sensual stuff of consciousness in a non specialised way and provides traces, attributes of representations of the various qualitative importance and ways of action (the scheme, means, operation).

Thus, unloading a sensual stuff, "mind-orientations" and "fixings" keeping specificity of substances, by means of creation of a set of spontaneous, casual traces of the initial and derivative images of the required, keep the data and derivative conditions of a task more effectively, thus create the precondition of formation of new connections.

Transition in unit components

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03