Kind "intensive
reflection" realises meta-reflective tasks by means of a partition of a
subject substance by a stop and a differentiation (clear - non clear), by a production of
understanding and the subsequent registration of the relation to opportunities of
transformation of the initial and reconstructed conditions found out in the understood
material. "Intensive reflection" provides correction of
substantial progress. In the structure of the semantic
sphere it realises intellectual - semantic regulation of a productive process in an
unwrapped form through transformation of representation in a "question" and an
"estimation" of the answer to a question.
In the structure of the component "intellectual
reflection" it specialises on an intellectual - semantic linear
transformation of initial conditions of a task with the purpose of reception of the
required answer, as clearing of the internal plan of concreteness of an image through its
replacement with relation.
In the structure of 2nd level of integrity realising aware
(understanding) way of penetration in a problemness its functional elements realise
abstraction (distraction) function by means of a conclusion of the subject beyond the
evidence of representations, steps, actions. Comparisons of a degree of a generalisation
with 1st level, it is higher here. Comparisons with 3rd one, differences occurs not in
logic volume, but in conceptual one for the benefit of the greater generalisation of 3rd
"Intensive reflection" unloads a sensual stuff
of consciousness both by means of transformation of an image in the relation, and by means
of inclusion in itself a positive effect of an extensive reflection (traces,
attributes of representations of the various qualitative importance and ways of action).
So, synthesis of positive effect of an extensive reflection and
specific applicability of "intensive reflection" -
routing of understanding - is equivalent to keeping of a total amount of understanding
with realisation of functions of exception and inclusion of elements in the general
Variants of interaction of the kind "intensive
reflection" with a substantial component:
Variant _ 1
1. Stopping on an obstacle in movement on the substance,
transformation of representation in a "question";
2. Production of new representation;
3. Relation of new representation through an "estimation" as a
variant of transformation of the initial data in the required.
Variant _ 2
1. Movement in the substance with distinction of each fragment
on clear - non clear;
2. Production of new representation;
3. Relation of new representation through an "estimation" as a
variant of transformation of the initial data in the required.