Function "question"
("qu") realises meta-reflective tasks by means of a formulation of questions to
the non clear moments in the subject and operational movement, deepening understanding by
probationers of a problem situation and a character of an advance in it. It is grammatically realised by all parts of speech in the structure of a
question or a fragment. As a rule, function "question" is combined
with function "representation" or "fixing"?
Examples: How it is? 11 for three fifty-fifty? So how much did
they have? Was... How many? Seven? Overeaten?
In the structure of the semantic sphere it realises an
intellectual - semantic regulation of a productive process in the developed kind through
transformation of a representation in a question.
In the structure of a component intellectual reflection
it specialises on an intellectual - semantic linear transformation of initial conditions
of a task by means of distinction understood and not understood material.
In the structure of 2nd level of integrity realising aware
(understanding) way of penetration in problemness "question"
realises a function of abstraction (distraction) by means of a conclusion of the subject
beyond the evidence of representations, steps, actions. In comparison of a degree of
generalisation with 1st level is higher here. In comparison to 3rd one it occurs not in
logic volume, but in conceptual one for the benefit of the greater generalisation of 3rd
In the structure of the kind intensive reflection
"question" provides correction of substantial progress. A sensual stuff
of consciousness unloads as an isolation of a clear part of an image from not clear one.
In the structure of the tendency actualization
"questions" serve acts of intentions in actions and understanding only
in the direction of doubt, in the direction of movement of previous, obvious intention it
looks rather as a stop or inversion. There is a full range unwrappedness-wrappedness of a
question. The orientation of a question may be both cognitive and inquiry about the
conformity of understanding or expediency of action.
Thus, positive effect of "question"
is not only in correction and expansion of understanding, but also in an establishment of
initial inputs in routes of understanding where the final output are estimations.
Accumulation of pieces of the stable, worked reasoning reduces the expenses for
reproduction a more complex part of the decision vision. The positive effect of each of
routes may result whether in generation of the complete basis or prepare the opportunities
of operating by couplings of understanding within the framework of a kind constructive
In the structure of the plan of group activity "questions"
are intended for expansion of opportunities of the individual, suppose inclusion of group
in reply to questions. They involve other members of the group in potentially general
vector of movement in accumulation of the common picture. Function potentially assumes
partnership in the use of speech arena or a competition for it. |