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function "fixing"IA


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the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere










intellectual reflection





Function "fixing" ("fix") realises reflective tasks in transformation of images by means of fixing obvious undoubted actions, steps.

Most frequently function is grammatically realised by pretexts, the unions, and also submitted as "echo" - a repeating fragment of the previous statement or task conditions.

Examples: So, that is... Aga.. Yes! So, so.

In the structure of semantic sphere it realises an intellectual - semantic regulation of a productive process at the elementary level.

In the structure of the component intellectual reflection it provides an intellectual - semantic maintenance of the data condition transformation in the text of a task with the purpose of reception of the required answer.

In the structure of 1st level of integrity realising a notice way of penetration in problemness "fixings" have lower level of an abstractness, than "mind-orientation" and a higher one than, 2nd and 3rd levels of integrity, and also the lowest level of generalisation. And, the character of an abstractness consists not in the use of the abstract concepts, but of the use of obvious, pre-concept semantic constructs.

In the structure of the kind extensive reflection "fixing" together with a pair (within the framework of 1-st level of integrity) function of "mind-orientation" provides realisation of the spontaneous and reduced control of a substantial progress in the task decision.

As intellectual - semantic function together with "mind-orientation" it unloads a sensual stuff of consciousness in not specialised way provides traces, attributes of representations of the various qualitative importance and ways of action (the schemes, means, operations).

In the structure of the tendency realization it serves acts of performance of intentions and application of understanding. In the curtailed, obvious kind it serves as the end of a cogitative cycle.

Thus, unloading a sensual fabric, "fixings" keeping specificity of substances, by means of creation of a set of spontaneous, casual traces of initial and derivative images of the required, keep the data and derivative conditions of a task more effectively, than create the precondition of formation of new connections.

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Date of updating of the information 28.04.03