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function assumptions" IA


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the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere










intellectual reflection





Function "assumption" ("ass") realises meta-reflective tasks by means of a reconstruction of the subject substance in hypotheses that provides, generation of the new complete bases.

It is grammatically realised by constructs of a conditional inclination. As a rule, function "assumption" is combined with function "representation" or "scheme"

Examples: overeaten, if there were seven; if the hunter have not approached; so much, how much he had; If to start with it, then; to proceed, that they would eat

This version, when they... Everyone; we admit...

In the structure of the semantic sphere it realises an intellectual - semantic regulation of a productive process in the unwrapped kind through introduction of probability of ways of movement, as a supreme form of an exit beyond the evidence of notice.

In the structure of the component intellectual reflection a constructive reflection specialises on an intellectual-semantic system (volumetric) transformation of an initial conditions of a task with the purpose of reception of the required answer, the formulation of "assumptions" finally releases an open question (non obviously present) in a question in the structure of a probable way of movement.

In the structure of 3rd level of integrity realising transforming way of penetration in problemness "assumption" realises function of abstraction (distraction) by means of a debunking by the subject the representation of sufficiency of the data and by creation of new one. In comparison of a degree of a generalisation with 1st level, it is for the benefit of the third one. In comparison to 2nd level it occurs not in logic volume, but in conceptual one and it is higher, than at 2nd one.

In structure of the kind constructive reflection "assumption" provides the designing, missing for substantial progress. A sensual stuff of consciousness unloads, as by means of logic operation which allow to operate with the complete image. In terms of volume of an image the constructive reflection operates with fields, switching and excepting subsystems in system, thus is intended for keeping a way of creation of the complete basis.

In the structure of the tendency actualization "assumption" serves unwrapped, non obvious acts of intentions in actions and in understanding. At the given intention simultaneously there is also an element meant for a check by a method of a serial combination and a system in which it varies.

Thus, the positive effect of "assumption" originally consists in sectoring of co-ordinates of a subset of understanding with which in the subsequent it is possible to operate as units. It even more reduces movement of search, than movement on routes. Further the ordered subsets expose subsets of necessary additions which are eliminated by a way of designing.

Transition to components

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03