The given dictionary is intended for satisfaction of internal needs
within the framework of the given site. The expanded version of the dictionary is given to
IRIS Trainees as the appendix to the program of training.
- Algorithm is the instruction about performance in the certain sequence of elementary
operations for the decision of any task, belonging to some class.
- Circle - succession of acts repeated in certain regularity.
- Conflict of interests is an impossibility of satisfaction of several interests
simultaneously, or an opportunity to satisfy only one of interests at the expense of
another one.
- Conflictness is a condition of feeling of the subject concerning not sufficiency of
display of himself in creativity, in the competence. It has the disguised forms.
- Convention is the coordinated arrangement on something, more often it is about
- Environment reflective - psychological concept for a designation of
all complex of factors causing reflective acts.
- Functional requirement - a stage of thinking on creation of an image of function, a
way, and then "criterion" (criterions), specifying a level of functional
suitability of a way, the tool for the decision of the certain task.
- Goal - conscious image of anticipating results which act directs to.
- Leader is a role position in the group decision or discussion. The basic purpose is
maintenance of productive thought process.
- Level of difficulty of the task (test) - predicted and subsequently the confirmed
judgement (criterion), determining what part of subjects (persons) will solve the task in
concrete type of group.
- Means - method, a way, system of methods for achievement in concrete conditions.
- Mechanism reflective - the leading mechanism of creativity. The basic reflective
acts, - a reconsidering, language broadcasting, an output in an external position, -
provide change the level of creative productivity and enrich the creative potential of the
person who creates. Other mechanisms of creativity, for example "transformations of
by-products" [Пон] or "changes of strategy" [Молттт] are more
particular in maintenance of simultaneous process as efficiency of result as ability to
efficiency of the subject.
- Participant - a role position in the group decision or discussion. The basic purpose
is an active participation in productive thought process.
- PCS (problem-conflict situation). Process of subject's feeling (conflictness)
concerning not sufficiency of self-display in the creativity, arising in consequence of
problemness - subject's notice the fact of non-decision of the task, acting in the
status of an estimation of insufficiency of experience.
- Problem - is a comprehension by the subject of impossibility to resolve difficulties
and the contradictions which have arisen in the given situation by means of actual
experience and knowledge. The problem as a task assumes search of new means and ways.
- Problemness is a notice by the subject of a special quality of discussion of a
theme, the decision of a task, as containing a problem.
- Procedures reflective - system of methods of creation of new reflective samples and
transfers of available reflective samples, as a way of inclusion of consciousness in a
reflective mode (start from outside of or from itself reflective process). [Naydonov, Process and procedure of a group reflection.]
- Psychology of reflection - the scientific direction realising theoretically and the
practical purposes, development of knowledge of reflection [сем].
- Reconsiderings of the form - providing the substance of process of repeated
reflection with development, forms of a reconsidering - verbal, figurative
(imaginative), effective (motor-practical) - are various on potential of
simultaneous keeping in a sensual stuff of consciousness of actual senses and substances.
So forms of a reconsidering provide various probability of completeness of a reconsidering
as overcoming of a problem-conflict situation.
- Researches levels (pragmatic, historical, ontological, methodological, theoretical,
methodical, experimental, empirical, applied, practical) is a classification of levels of
research in tradition of psychology of reflection [Semenov, 19..]. Authors of the
direction of a reflective psychology comprehend variability of classifications in other
directions, it is explained by the absence the high nearness of methods to an opportunity
of research of the mechanism of the psychological phenomenon there.
- RTPW - a reflective training-practical work.
- Stage - single part in development some process.
- Task is the purpose given in determined conditions which should be achieved by
transformation of these conditions according to the certain procedure. The requirements
(purpose), the known (conditions), the required (unknown).
- Theme - a subject, the basic substance of a statement, a reasoning, creativity.
- Validity of the psychological test (task) mean (the suitable, valid test, the
task). It is the suitability of the test to that it is meant to measure.
- Way - action or system of actions for performance of any work. A sequence of
transformation known for satisfaction of requirements and reception of something new.