Transition to empirical reality




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 The parameter of contact reflects the moments of goodwill or confrontation, acceptance or rejection of the partner, dissolved in the process of decision of the problems, standing up for a surface of really occuring acts of interaction as the second (meant) sense.


Statements partners continuing logic

Statements partners denying logic

Statements partners ignoring logic

Statements continuing own logic

Distractions from the decision of a problem

The partition of " continuation of another " reflects the logic of substantial development integrally, (for example, operational realization of the scheme offered by comrade, or performance of the control, the analysis of steps made by him), i.e. such distribution of actions between partners which unites them as though in " one subject " of decision-making. So, by conditional consideration of a site of the report during which partners continue each other as stenograms of speech of one person, the decision looks organized, logical and natural. Such reception may be used as check of correctness of reference of statements to this partition of a parameter of the contact.

Denying of another " - such partition of parameter "contact" which reflects the obvious or latent opposition of positions, contents of partners that gives even to a verbalization of partial functional elements of substantial sphere a negative estimated, emotional character

"Ignoring" frequently happens to be differentiated from other partitions of contact with difficulty, for example, from " denying of another " or " continuation of ". Distinctive feature of ignoring of statements is in-concordance of the content of a phrase with achievements of other partners, absence of statements of the communicative - cooperative sphere in the speech introduction, which provides the presence of a contact. And, difference of this quality from " continuation of " consists in expressed ignoring of partners, absence of reaction to their speech directed on given examinee, emphasis of such displays that reflects a deep personal opposition, instead of situational enthusiasm for the content as it takes place at continuation of himself.

Transition to empirical reality

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03