to definition of the component


Definition of a component of the PERSONAL REFLECTION IA


Transition to components

The applicability of a component of a PERSONAL REFLECTION of the IA, GA consists in personal-semantic maintenance of transformation of conditions of the data in the task text with the purpose of getting of the required answer. Specialization of a component consists in transformation (maintenance) personal regulatives (senses, self-attitudes, self-estimations, self-appraisal...).

If the estimated statement is not substantial, and expresses the attitude of the subject to himself or to this or that fragment of the contents of problem-conflict situation (PCS) caused by the subject, in this case the statement is qualified as personal-semantic. Thus when the person as the subject of thinking acts as an object of the attitude the statement concerns to a personal-reflective component.

The component provides: a) person connection to a situation of search of the decision; a) occurrence of the external motivation directed on performance of the task, and its development into the internal motivation connected to aspiration of productive promotion in the subject contents of a problem situation, to resolve the contradiction laying in its basis; b) evaluation during the search of the decision of own efforts and state of health, and also a self-estimation of the individuality and satisfaction of the activity;

c) Stimulation and activization of an emotional tone, strong-willed determination, self-checking and self-discipline before the arising difficulties.

KINDS of personal reflection: perspective one provides the vector of forthcoming movement, retrospective one provides the vector of past movement, a situational reflection provides the vector of the current movement..

Functions concern to personal-reflective elements: "motivation", explicating attitude to any natural self-display of the examinee in a situation, the conflict nature of which has not come to light yet for him; "fenomenologization" is the arising conflict attitude to obvious and not justifying way of thinking as to the form of behaviour in conditions of personal test at the decision of a problem, presentation of realities of own consciousness; "problematization" is the attitude of the examinee to the prospect of overcoming an aggravating conflict situation as to a possible exit from cogitative impasse; "self-determination" is a judgement of this way as an unique true way of self-display in conflict conditions; "qualification" is a judgement of those or other steps as results of overcoming of a conflict; "self-appraisal" is the attitude to the separate, personal features which have come to light during test, to himself as to a capable or unable for creative search person.

In variant of the individual the statement of the plan of individual activity represent personal-semantic activity directed on self-control.

In variant of the group such components function as rather independent and mean:

  • The given individual is directed on himself (is at a stage of intellectual egoism);
  • The given individual realizes a stereotype of autonomy (an individualistic position of separate participants of group).

to definition of the component

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03