Transition in unit components




Returning in a component

the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere











personal reflection





Kind "perspective reflection" serves vectors of forthcoming movement. They are tactical, directed on realisation of the instruction or the established conventions, and strategic, directed on definition of a way of mastering a conflictness and reception of a creative product. Strategic one connects opportunities and values for the benefit of an inclusion of psychological protections, or a choice of a way of creativity within the limits of the given decision (outside the given decision).

In the structure of semantic sphere it realises personally-semantic regulation of a productive process in an obvious, unwrapped kind in the supreme form of the sense functioning by a principle "to be or not to be?" for value of appeal of the decision and an opportunity of the decision. Here the subject (person) defines itself both by a source of a conflictness, and by a source of its removal and by a part of a way and by means of movement in it.

In the structure of component personal reflection it carries out subject's personally-semantic regulation by means of a formulation to himself and partners the cardinal ("To be or not to be? And, if to be, that how?) inquiry about the offer of a way. The subject (person), a subject and the life are pulled as much as possible together through an inclusion of the image of the world in the image of the task and on the contrary. The subject places itself in co-ordinates of future time (a stage of a task, a task, life outside of a task). The subject makes system (volumetric) transformation not with the initial data, but with values and opportunities concerning the progress in subject conditions for the benefit of the confirmation of values or deviation from them, as it is shown in a formulation of a way.

As 3-rd level of integrity the kind "perspective reflection" realises transforming way of mastering a conflictness. It increases an effect of a reconsidering by a change of an explanation of himself on a recognition of the absence of a full vision of the situation of the solving of a conflictness. The formulation of inquiry to himself as to the other one, who is able (or unable) or to partners prepares quality of self-determination as a change of one quality of the subject (admitting ignorance of a way) on himself (knowing a way).


Thus, the positive effect of the kind "perspective reflection" consists in the final formation of understanding of a situation as creative, hence an open one, being a challenge to values of the decider from positions of a strategic or tactical choice and its quality. It consist in the final generation of a personal regulative which is satisfying a challenge to the "creative Ego" of the subject - " To be or to not be creative? ".

In the structure of the plan of group activity the kind "perspective reflection" is an axiologic catalyst both in progress and in recourse. There are the attempts of the answer to the cardinal inquiry by the offer of a way - on one pole, there is an output from the decision - on the other one. The mechanism of a choice is both as in area "an image of myself" so in "an image of us". Their purpose to unite or separate subjects valuably in a choice of a way.

Transition in unit components

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03