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function "self-estimation" GA


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the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere










personal reflection





Function "self-estimation" ("Self-est") realises meta-reflective functions by means of expression of the attitude to the separate personal features, which have come to light during the test, to himself, to the community - as to capable or unable for creative search both a whole or for a separate act.

Most frequently function is grammatically realised by the interjections, expressing sighs and laughter, and also personal pronouns.

Examples: Ha-Ha-Ha. Well all right, the hunter, ha-ha, hm (!) what part from this? hm, why?Hm-hm, fifty-fifty, let's. O, so!!. That me. That's us. Ha-a-a-a(sighs). Ha-ha-ha(common laughter.; Oh!; Well unless, that!

In the structure of the semantic sphere it realises a personally - semantic regulation of a productive process in obvious, but poorly developed kind.

In the structure of the component personal reflection it carries out a personally - semantic regulation of the subject by means of his/her transformation into an object and its estimations. The given personal regulative is directed on the maintenance (continuation) of the decision (transformation of the conditions given in the text of a task with the purpose of reception of the required answer) to situations of an actual negative subject result or as a token of acknowledgement of the success in the conflictness overcome.

In the structure of 1st level of integrity realising a meta-reflective notice (allocating) way of comprehension of "skill of self-control" (keeping a conflictness) "self-estimations" present an actual, current as a distinction with the initial one self-estimation.

In the structure of the kind situational reflection "self-estimations" expand a resource of time transformation of a subject and the subject (person) in it. It serves an interval of the present through the nearest past of the value of subject's activity.

In the structure of the tendency realization it serves the act of execution of intention to isolate a conducting reason of an actual negative subject result and to ratify the understanding of concordance-non concordance of himself to a reference level. In the curtailed kind it finishes a sense-making cycle in the structure of the kind.

Thus, the positive effect of "self-estimation" consists in expansion of the subject's status down to transformation into an object of transformations in the first, obvious kind for the solver himself. Limitation of this expansion may be overcome by the nearest past only in a system of the mechanism of time transformations. Showing the responsibility of the person for a situation of an actual negative subject result "self-estimations" act in a function of preliminary problematization of the value sense, the appeal of the decision in the given circumstances. Strategies directed on a true estimation at the test by creativity in a view of a risk of the defeat and strategies directed on demonstration of non values of the decision and its wrap yet still should be developed after the indication to himself own productivity.

In the structure of the plan of group activity "self-estimations" in competitive conditions accelerate transposition of the subject (person) in an object of an estimation by means of dis-identification of subjects, in complimentary conditions they provide a transparency of the subjects' contribution and through identification promote occurrence of a reality of Group-Subject


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Date of updating of the information 28.04.03