Function "problematization"
("prob") reflects transforming the relation of the examinee to the aggravated
conflictness of a situation from its obvious kind till the statement of a question of
prospect of its overcoming as a possible way of an exit from the cogitative impasse. Most frequently it is grammatically realised by personal or non-personal
questions. As a rule, function "problematization" is combined with
function "question".
Examples: we should surrender, as a last resort? And if opinion
of one against two? Is there another version? You think how to decide, all at once? With
what to begin, yes? To what side to approach? How shall we understand a condition? How to
judge it?
In the structure of the semantic sphere it realises a personally
- semantic regulation of a productive process in the obvious, unwrapped kind by a
principle " To be or not to be? " for the value of the decision appeal and an
opportunity of the decision.
In the structure of the component personal reflection it carries
out a personally - semantic regulation of the subject (person) by means of a
formulation to himself and partners a cardinal (" To be or not to be? And, if to be
then how?") inquiry about the offer of a way. The subject (person), a subject and
life are pulled as much as possible together through inclusion of an image of the world in
an image of a task and on the contrary.
In structure of 3rd level of integrity realising
transforming way of mastering a conflictness "problematization" is
increased with effect of a reconsidering by a change of an explanation of himself to a
recognition of absence of full vision of a situation of the conflictness solving. The
formulation of inquiry to himself - as to the another one, which can (or can not) or to
the partners - prepares quality of self-determination.
In the structure of the kind perspective reflection
"problematization" serves a vector of forthcoming movement. The
tendency of actualisation strengthens effect of the future.
In the structure of the tendency actualization "problematization"
serves the unwrapped, obvious acts of intentions in actions and in understanding to system
decision - life by means of the reference of an image of the decision in a context of life
into a question.
Thus, the positive effect of "problematization"
consists in final formation of understanding of a situation as creative, hence open and
being a call the decider values.
In the structure of the plan of group activity "problematization"
is the axiological catalyst both in progress and in recourse. On one pole there are
attempts of the answer to cardinal inquiry with the offer of a way, on the other there is
a way out from the decision. |