"self-determination" ("self-det") is the response to inquiry
(need) of the subject in a new way of the conflict conditions overcoming by means of a
formulation a unique true way of self-display in the given conditions. Most frequently function is grammatically realised by ascertaining
personal - pronominal sentences and by personal or non-personal questions.
As a rule, function "problematization" is combined with function
Examples: That suits. Forward. It is possible to answer
so, that, in my opinion, Nikita's right, with a condition, that it is necessary to
find how to divide this money half-and-half. I did not mark... It is necessary to
address to the experimenter to ask how many minutes we still have. And... It
is possible such... synthetic answer to give....
In the structure of the semantic sphere it realises a
personal-semantic regulation of a productive process in the supreme form of functioning of
a sense in the definition of himself: a source of a conflict, and a source of its removal
and a part of a way and means of movement in it.
In the structure of the component personal reflection it carries
out personal-semantic regulation of the subject (person) by means of accommodation of
himself in co-ordinates of the future time (a stage of a task, a task, life outside of a
task). The subject makes system (volumetric) transformation not with the initial data, but
with the values and the opportunities concerning the progress in subject conditions for
the benefit of the confirmation of values or deviation from them, that is shown in a
formulation of a way.
In the structure of 3rd level of integrity realising transforming
way of mastering a conflictness "self-determination" increases the
effect of a reconsidering by the change of one subject's quality, admitting in non knowing
a way, to another himself - knowing a way
In the structure of the kind perspective reflection
"self-determination" serves a vector of forthcoming movement. "Self-determinations"
are tactical, on realisation of the instruction or the established conventions, and
strategic, on definition of a way of mastering a conflict and getting a creative
product. Strategic "self-determinations" connect opportunities and values
for the benefit of an inclusion of a psychological protection, or a choice of a way of
creativity within the limits of the given decision (outside the given decision).
In the structure of the tendency realization
"self-determination" serves the unwrapped, obvious acts of realisation
of himself in system of the decision of the given task - life by means of focussing an
image of the valuable world to an image of the decision in correlation to actual
opportunities. In focus is the person, in a background is a subject. "Self-determination"
is the end of a sense-making cycle..
Thus, the positive effect of
"self-determination" consists in a strategic or tactical choice,
its quality, in the final generation of a personal regulative satisfying a challenge to
" a creative Self of " the subject" - " To be or not to be? ".
In the structure of the plan of group activity "self-determinations"
work both in area of "an Ego image" and "an Us image ". Their purpose
to unite valuably or to separate the subjects in a choice of a way. Individual
self-determinations for the other members of the group function as the catalyst, a
problematization of the common choice. Frameworks of the instruction, even formally compel
to association. |