Function "motivation"
("motiv") realises meta-reflective
functions explicating the attitude to any obvious self-display of the examinee in a
situation, conflictness characteristics of which has not yet come to light for him. Grammatical realisation is hardly perceptible. The greater value for
distinction has correspondence of criterial - contextual reference points. Presence of
personal pronouns and (or) fragments of non-personal statements is important. The main
formal distinctive definition "motivation" (explains) makes comments on prompting or forthcoming action.
Examples: This is most... Well,
while we shall write - Paul; also we shall think still; well, that... Well,
so it is necessary to choose one answer. Still while. It is necessary to
prove strictly logically... We shall think a little. And we do not think any
more, what will be afterwards, that there are farther. It just to understand; a second;
and to observe...
In the structure of the semantic sphere it realises a
personal-semantic regulation of a productive process at the elementary level of
penetration (support) in the near future. "Motivation" - is the
beginning of a sense-making cycle.
In the structure of the component personal reflection it carries
out a personal-semantic regulation of the subject by means of generation of an
initial, most dim semantic regulative of maintenance (continuation) of the decision
(transformations of conditions given in the text of a task with the purpose of reception
of the required answer) in situations of probable negative subject result.
In the structure of 1st level of integrity realising a
meta-reflective notice (allocating) way of comprehension of "skill of self-control
" (keeping a conflictness) "motivations" personally accompany
with a substantial stream of actions.
In the structure of the kind situational reflection
"motivations" open a resource of time transformation of a subject
and the subject (person) in it. It serves an interval of the present intention and the
near future of action.
In the structure of the tendency actualization it serves
acts of intentions in actions and in understanding through the realisation of support
functions and the comment of action as preconditions of the future self-estimation. It is
necessary for confidence in actuality of actions and for its fixation in the relation. All
alone, when the action is not true it assumes its recurrence.
Thus, the positive effect of "motivation"
consists in special allocation (lightning) the action distinct enough for a
self-estimation. Also they include effect of the control, which is characteristic for an
extensive reflection.