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function "phenomenologization" IA


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the tendencies level of integrity


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personal reflection





Function "phenomenologization" ("phen") realises aware functions by means of repeated actualisation of intention of personal presence in operation and presentations of realities (phenomena) of the own consciousness, because of becoming obvious for subject of the conflict of ability to creativity. Repeated actualisation of intention of personal presence in operation expressed not in a support, but in an explanation of actions.

Grammatical realisation is hardly perceptible. The greater value for distinction has correspondence of a criterial - contextual reference points. Presence of personal pronouns and (or) fragments of non-personal sentences is important. The main formal distinctive definition of "phenomenologization" describes the current action and a condition.

Examples: We do not think anymore, what there are farther. It has escaped. Just to understand... A second... And to observe.... It seems to me. Àh.. I look, you draw. Such a nonsense comes here (laughter). No, well it arises... I do not make exception, that I have understood conditions not, well... It is there any fraction will turn out. Attentively. We remember Well, I do not know the way he did not agree, but there there is a condition that he will pay her daily. Directly " What? Where? When? Well, so you, I think... On the middle, there. And why do you not think, that they beat in regular intervals

In the structure of the semantic sphere it realises a personally - semantic regulation of a productive process in the obvious, unwrapped kind deliberately assuming, a reality of dialogue and the student in no dependences on the one who is itself decider, the partner or the experimenter.

In the structure of a component of a personal reflection it carries out a personally - semantic regulation of the subject (person) by means of a deepening of the personal presence, in operation both his explanation and inclusion current conditions in the realised area (as a factor of success). For maintenance (continuation) of the decision of a task in a situation of probable negative subject result for the first time as a regulative there appears an effect of translation - translation on the other language. (See in Literature Ëàäåíêî)

In structure of 2nd level of integrity realising aware (understanding) way of a conflictness keeping "phenomenologization" for the first time finds out such a reproducing quality of a meta-reflection as a reconsidering - repeated reflection in a wider context with the big expenditure..

In the structure of the kind retrospective reflection "phenomenologizations" fix a time vector of "self-estimation" in service of an interval of the present and the nearest last action and subject's condition. Retrospective character of "phenomenologization" feebly marked through realising it verbs by virtue of the conflict with the tendency, and it will be compensated by "qualifications" where concurrence to the tendency finally defines specialisation of the kind.

In the structure of the tendency actualization "phenomenologization" explaining actions and conditions in an unwrapped way serves acts of intentions in understanding of himself in a system of the decision. It is the precondition of the future "qualification".

Thus, the positive effect of "phenomenologization" consists in the final reference of the mechanism of time transformations to the past, by means of actualisation of the unwrapped explanation of actions and conditions.

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Date of updating of the information 28.04.03