Function "qualification"
("qua") realises aware functions by means of a formulation of
contextually intelligent estimated judgements about those or other steps as results of
overcoming of a conflictness. Most frequently function is grammatically
realised by ascertaining personal - pronominal sentences.
Examples. You have agreed, that it is in regular
intervals. Yes I have simply recollected, that Ñ. Ê. gave this task and
analysed it. We have accepted a condition, that each second a bell sounds... We
have considered so, that he a second... All of us now spoke, and you speak,
that it is wrong. We have considered so, that he a second.. Woodcutters are
different. In general, it is a not mathematical task, but a psychological one.
In the structure of the semantic sphere it realises a personally
- semantic regulation of a productive process in the obvious, unwrapped kind both on a
context and on addressing authorship.
In the structure of a component of the personal reflection
it carries out a personally - semantic regulation of the subject by means of scope
by an estimation of a wide range of the decision from positions of norms, rules,
theoretical concepts, conventions which function at participants of the decision.
In the structure of 2nd level of integrity realising aware
(understanding) way of regulation of a conflictness "qualification"
reproduces such quality of a meta-reflection as a reconsidering both in relation to an
estimation and in relation to a self-estimation. To an estimation of a position they
become stronger immersing of action in a context of norms, knowledge, conventions. To a
self-estimation of a position they become stronger removing the subject from an estimation
immersing him by linkage in a subject.
In the structure of the kind retrospective reflection
"qualifications" carry the basic loading of retrospective
specialisation. This either obvious recent or remote past, or the appeal to knowledge,
norms and conventions done in the past.
In the structure of the tendency realization "qualifications"
connecting actions of the author in an unwrapped way with a norm, a rule, an arrangement,
knowledge and assert understanding of correspondence - non correspondences of system
authorship - action to required transformations for reception of the required. In focus is
a subject, in a background is the person, but it is obvious enough to become a figure in
interaction with a self-estimation.
Thus, positive effect of "qualification"
is in expansion of understanding of a subject and a degree of possession of it by the
subject (person). Due to this the subject is on a stage, does not escape any more from
arena of consciousness, but does not pull on to the bottom, is similar to concreteness of
representations, which are bright, connected with good luck hope decision, instead of
system of the other representations. Conducting mechanism of "qualification"
is the establishment of a connection not only with the past of the decision of the given
task, but also with tasks in general, life in general. That, as a matter of fact, is an
exit on an external position,