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function "representations" GA


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Function "representation", ("rep") realises sensual-reflective tasks by means of a reconstruction of an image of a task in some intermediate iteration. It arises as acts of understanding of conditions formulated in the text of a task.

Grammatical realisation: it may be expressed by any parts of speech - nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs etc. (both included in the completed unwrapped offer, and taking place outside of it), substantially connected with concepts (words) which are contained in the text of a task.

Examples: wall clock with a cuckoo bird… chiming clock… it strikes… strike-strike-strike-strike…

Proceeding from identity of the substantial sphere and the substantial component "representation" in their structure keeps increased (varied) substance as a base function. The presence at cogitative acts of sensual images testifies to the maximal loading a sensual stuff of consciousness, so the transformations of conditions demand significant mental expenses.

In the structure of 1 level of integrity realising a sensual-reflective notice way of penetration in a problem "representation" in a scale of abstraction is more abstract, than "text" and is a reconstruction of conditions of a task and their transformations,

In the structure of the kind concrete definition "representation" and "operation" do not carry loading of dialogue pair as functions of the other components, nevertheless are the core of the decision by the principle of " tests and mistakes ".

In the structure of the tendency actualization it represents itself as the carrier of an image of the substance, concerns to the subject party of a substantial component.

Thus, the positive effect "representation" consists in a sensual retain and transformation of conditions of the data in the text of a task with the purpose of reception of the required answer.

Transition to components

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03