Transition to components


function "operations" GA


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the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere















Function "operation", ("op") realises sensual-reflective tasks by means of moving a plan of transformation to performance as a separate stage.

Grammatical realisation it is frequently expressed by the offer or his(its) fragment including, as a rule, numerals together with calling made with them of mathematical, logic actions (verbs, nouns - mathematical signs) made with them . Examples: 6 plus 6 equals 12.

Proceeding from identity of the substantial sphere and the substantial component "operation" (in their structure as base function) transforms the known and introduced substance of regulation, reduction, associations...

In structure of 1 level of integrity realising a sensual-reflective notice way of penetration in a problem "operation" (being an automatism formed before the entry in the experiment) is not built on "decision" as it is typically for the other functions of the following level of integrity the same tendency in realisation of a principle of development. In this case in a number of realisations of a component "operation" is an initial function instead of the following for. Its initial level in the field of notice-reflective scale is characterised by a singularity of the action, consecutive connection with the other actions.

In the structure of the kind concrete definition "operation" and "representation" do not carry loading of a dialogue pair as functions of the other components, nevertheless are the core of the decision by a principle of " tests and mistakes ".

In the structure of the tendency realization when the statement presents any way of transformation of a problem situation, it represents a functional element for the reflection of an operational side of a substantial component.

Thus, the positive effect of "operation" consists in an elementary simplification, association regulation of the primary and introduced data.

Transition to components

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03