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function "intentions" GA


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the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere















Function "intention" ("int") realises understanding tasks by means of generation of an intuitive essential image of direction of task solving. They are derivatives of formulated in the text of a task required answer (a question of a task).

Grammatical realisation: it is frequently as a question concentrating understanding (attention) on any concept, contained in the text of a task.

Examples: Any more kinds of clocks?… What does “strike” mean?

Proceeding from identity of the substantial sphere and the substantial component "intention" in their structure connects the need of self-realisation in creativity with required of the task by means of recognition of an unexpectedly opened image or a connection as an appropriate required.

In the structure of 2 level of integrity realising a sensual-reflective understanding way of penetration in a problem "intention" in a scale of abstraction is more abstract, than "representation" and is both: an image of a subject and an image of a connection.

In the structure of the kind reference points "intention" and "scheme" do not carry loading of a dialogue pair as functions of other components, at the same time have common as a maintenance of a composite function. Intention, focusing the subject through recognition anticipates the next image of integrity, the "scheme" uniting potential of separate operations focuses the subject between the model and the concrete operation.

In the structure of the tendency actualization "intention" represents itself as an image of a direction of transformation of the substance, concerns to the subject side of a substantial component.

Thus, bearing in itself the characteristics of insight the positive effect of "intention" consists in comprehension of directions of a transformation as a principle.

Transition to components

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03