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function "models" GA


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the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere















Function "model" ("mod") realises transforming tasks by means of generation of a complete image of a task, as a common vision of a problem situation on the part of necessity and on the part of an opportunity.

Grammatical realisation: it is frequently realised by the unwrapped non-personal offer which conceptual structure is beyond the frameworks of the text of a task

Examples: Time is taken no by strikes, but by the intervals. (the Interval - a word which is not present in the text of a task).

Proceeding from identity of the substantial sphere and the substantial component "model" in their structure increases the varied substance up to the maximum full level by means of inclusion in the common image of fragments of the transformation, which satisfy conditions essentially.

In the structure of 3 level of integrity realising a sensual-reflective transforming way of penetration in a problem "model" in a scale of an abstraction parity on an abstractness to representation, but it is more generalised, than "representation".

In the structure of the kind basis "model" and "means" do not carry loading of a dialogue pair as functions of other components, at the same time have the maximal approximation of a word of oral speech to the concept in categorical aspect. "Model' translates a synthetic image in a cultural knowledge context.

In the structure of the tendency actualization "model" represents itself as a principle of transformation of the substance, concerns to the subject side of a substantial component.

Thus, the positive effect of "models" consists in comprehension of a missing link and in a formulation of priority basic directions of a transformation as a principle.

Transition to components

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03