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function "means" GA


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the tendencies level of integrity


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Function "means" ("mns") realises transforming tasks doubly, first, for catalysis of synthesis of ordinary representation into the model by means of the entered restrictions and opportunities available in "knowledge means" (that is in the concept, value), second, by means of categorisation as a ratio of concepts, for assistance of "scheme" generation.

Grammatic realization may have the form as unwrapped offer on type " concept - the description of the substance of concept ", well expressed by a separate part of speech (as a rule, a noun) in the structure of the offer.

Examples: the Interval is the time between two strikes… It is necessary to use a proportion.

Proceeding from identity of the substantial sphere and the substantial component "means" in their structure, as much as possible disconnects artificial borders of an experimental task entering a principle of objectivity for subjective representations of a task.

In the structure of 3 level of integrity realising a pre-reflective transforming way of penetration in a problem "means" is more generalised, than "scheme".

In the structure of the kind basis "means" and "model" do not carry loading of a dialogue pair as functions of other components, at the same time they carry a joint loading of translation an syncretic image of the decision into a cultural (sign) context.

In the structure of the tendency of realization "means" represents itself as an objective knowledge basis of all transformations on the basis of comparison. It concerns to the operational side of a substantial component.

Thus, positive effect of "means" consist in allowing to resolving person to recognise (create) possibilities, entered by "model" as synthetic image, into category system.

Transition to components

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03