Definition of a component of the INTERACTION IA |
The applicability of a component of INTERACTION of the IA, GA
consists in transformations (maintenance) of attitudes inside the group directed on
realization of the purpose formulated in the instruction: to solve a problem together. The
component of interaction represents regulative aspect of group activity. A zone
(condition) of efficiency of a component of interaction is the presence of a
context of mutual understanding and concordance in a group. This effect may be a
consequence of passage by group of special stages of an establishment of understanding and
the consent, or a consequence of one of members of the group service for others in the
field of deployment of a context of interests and understanding. A zone of inefficiency
of a component of interaction are the isolated contexts of understanding and interests in
group. Regulativity of a component is reactive, as it is caused by the settled previous
experience of interactions. So, the component of interaction is intended for
maintenance: 1) Movements in the decision of primary goal, 2) functioning
of personal regulatives. It is realized through an abstraction from aspect of
understanding and the coordination or by virtue of their presence or valid in-evidence of
their necessity. The component of interaction represents a study of technological, regulative aspect of cooperation of joint actions. Functional feature of interaction consists in that this component directly provides creation and realization of the common way of cooperation (as way of overcoming of the arisen interpersonal problem) by realization of the influences directed on partners. This component reflects a reality of interaction of people during dialogue in which subjects feel an arising necessity to explicite outside personal contents (for example, plans, intentions, values and etc), determining technology and realization of a way of joint actions. In a component of interaction according to increase of a level of integrity are allocated four kinds: 1) inclusion: carries out function of transition between substantial progress and communicative process, between various cycles of interaction; 2) action: the operational level of interaction supposing a stimulative-reactive way of dialogue, which basis are obvious for all; 3) coordination: the interaction which is taking into account an opportunity of an exit beyond the previous scheme, reflecting in-evidence of forthcoming act of interaction; 4) consolidation: construction of a new way of interaction as a whole as generalized understanding of the further technology of cooperation and dialogue. Tendencies of a component of interaction have specific colouring: actualization is expressed in the influences directed on the partner supposing his more complete and active functioning, frequently - his leader function; realization - is carried out as the directed influences supposing less complete, subordinated, reactive functioning of the partner. In each of kinds of components contains two functions according to two selected tendencies of functioning: the reference and the indication in action, inquiry and management - in coordination, the application and a way - in association. Function "stop" is completely described at disclosing value of such kind as inclusion. It provides transition, some kind of start of a new cycle of interaction. Function "concession" without the coordination releases arena for another one. "Reference" - is an orientation of speech influence on the other partner (or group as a whole) with the purpose of prompting to any actions. "Instruction" - is the name of the concrete action forthcoming the partners, a phenomenological attribute - the imperative form of a verb. "Inquiry" - is anattraction of the partner for realization of forthcoming steps of interaction, concrete characteristics of which it is unevident, phenomenologically the inquiry is carried out as the offer something to do, which should be just accepted by others instead of to be carried out immediately. It rather the request for advice, than the instruction or the order, therefore for it is characteristica pleading or interrogative intonation. " Management " - is a statement of the scheme of the interconnected actions of partners within the framework of realization of the certain way of interaction (realized or not realized). In such context as acceptance by partners of this management develops the action accompanying sometimes with indications, at nonacceptance develops a discussion with mutual evaluations. "claim" - is an actualization of tendency of overcoming problem character of interaction, comprehension of existence of this interpersonal contradiction. "Way" of development of new knowledge (for concrete people in a concrete situation) about ways of the joint activity, accepted as the complete basis resolving interpersonal problems. Contextually it demands the realization and a concrete definition. In variant of the individual the statement of the plan of individual activity represent interpersonal activity directed on itself or the meant partner. The subtask of jointness as the opportunity and necessity of cogitative movement for group for the decision of primary goal is blurred, because it is not actualised, hence, it is modified in a subtask of extraction from a group way some fragments for individual experience. In variant of the group such components function as rather independent and mean:
Date of updating of the information 28.04.03