Transition in unit components




Returning in a component

the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere
















The kind "inclusion" carries out function of transition between the substantial progress and the actual group process, between various cycles of interaction. Variants of display are the elementary activity preservations of speech arena for myself and refusal of it for the benefit of another one.

In structure of interpersonal sphere the kind "inclusion" realises Group-Subjective realisation of a productive process at the elementary level, as a spontaneous inquiry about preservation of speech arena for myself and accordingly for him who stops activity of others. the sense whether because of self-evidence of the utility of an activity of the partner or because of self-evidence of the utility of his substantial performance of the instruction fulfilment and the use of time for internal movement.

In structure of the component interaction the kind "inclusion" provides a technological outline of transformation of the conditions given in the text of a task with the purpose of reception of the required answer in a context of circumstance of the partners presence as restrictions or presence of a resource of partners. At the given level the subject is rather present in the content than in an interaction therefore the "stop" rather isolates from group than attaches to it.

In structure of 0 level of integrity realising a "boundary" way of penetration in a problematical character of a task the kind "inclusion" is not expressive "beside" it, and powerless in competitive conditions as the subject stopping or conceding does not judge it as the contribution, does not exchange for obligations of the others and does not get own ones.

Thus, the positive effect of the kind "inclusion" consists in introduction of the reality of interpersonal relations. The task formulated in the instruction: "solve together" drives a layer of behavior of the characteristic for self-realization of the subject in the group. The given layer is still little differentiated on an active or passive role of the management of others, but, certainly, emphasizes activity of the subject for the account of the presence of other people in his own "my space".

Transition in unit components

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03