Kind of
consolidation provides a construction of a new way of interaction as a whole
- as generalised understanding of the further technology of co-operation and dialogue. In structure of an interpersonal sphere consolidation realises a
"group - subjective" realisation of a productive process by means of giving
to the group a new quality with a situational or basic way of joint actions. The sense
for members of the group is generation of norms: a priority of a way as a principle above
In the structure of the interaction component a kind of consolidation
provides a technological outline of transformation of the conditions which are given
in the text of a task by means of introduction of a way of interaction with allocation of
the author of this way simultaneously in the object of management.
In structure of 3 levels of integrity realising transforming way
of penetration in problem "beside/ together" a kind of consolidation
re-conceives a kind of co-ordination by means of giving to the subject of interaction the
status of system.
Thus, the positive effect of the kind consolidation
consists in development of a reality of interpersonal relations up to the level of
realisation of understanding of necessity of their regulation by joint efforts as an
independent system task.
In structure of the plan of individual activity |