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function "way" GA


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the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere















Function "way" ("wy") is a development of a new knowledge (for concrete people in a concrete situation) about ways of the joint activity, accepted as the complete basis, resolving interpersonal problemness. Contextually it demands its realisation and a concrete definition.

Most frequently it is grammatically realised by extended sentences with verbs in future time as instruction to group participants to act suitably with norms (roles, statuses so on)

Examples: Let's do it by turns. He will collect our opinions and answer. We shall speak by turns,

In the structure of the interpersonal sphere "way" realises a Group-Subjective realisation of a productive process by means of giving to the group a new quality - associations of its members by a situational or basic way of joint actions.

In the structure of the component interaction it provides a technological outline of the transformation of the condition given in the text of a task with the purpose of reception of the required answer in a context of circumstance of presence of partners or presence of partners' resource. It takes into account the presence of partners both as potential and as an obstacle in the actual experience, therefore "way" removes the contradiction of non consolidated group potential and by the way of effect non engagement and by way of effect of balance out.

In the structure of 3rd level of integrity realising transforming way of mastering a conflictness, "way" increases effect of a reconsidering by a change of one quality of a group - not operating by an actually accepted norm of a way - to a new quality with the given norm.

In the structure of the kind consolidation function "way" provides construction of a new way of interaction as a whole as a generalised understanding of the further technology of co-operation and dialogue.

In the structure of the tendency realization "way" serves the developed, obvious acts of realisation of himself (group) in the system of decision of a task "together", it overcomes traditional specialisation of tendencies of a component of interaction, because it does not assume decrease of group integrity.

Thus, the positive effect of "way" consists in generation of the way of interaction as an obligatory principle for everybody, up to the leader.

Transition to components

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03