Function "inquiry"
("inq") realises aware meta-reflective functions by means of allocation
not clear area for the general clearing. Attraction of the partner for realisation of
forthcoming steps of interaction, concrete characteristics of which is not evident,
phenomenologically the inquiry is carried out as the offer something to do which should be
accepted by the others instead of to be carried out. It is rather the request for advice,
than the instruction or the order, therefore for it is characteristic a pleading or
interrogative intonation. Grammatically corresponds to
awakening there a subject (group) to concrete action through suggesting of the offer.
Examples: We delegate Vasya. < Should think > I offer to
discuss, what is to < Well, let's > argue. It is necessary to count. It is possible
to consider it. To count impact itself, instead of a sound. So we shall speak. Only it is
necessary to understand.. It is necessary to count,
In the structure of the interpersonal sphere "inquiry"
realises a Group-Subjective realisation of a productive process by means of allocation of
group as conditions for an opportunity of movement or as a resource of the decision for
the offer of a substantial direction.
In the structure of the component interaction it
provides a technological outline of the data condition transformation in the text of a
task with the purpose of reception of the required answer in a context of circumstance of
presence of partners or presence of partners' resource. It takes into account the presence
of partners both as a potential and as an obstacle, therefore "inquiry"
puts the substantial movement in a context of group as a priority without which at the
present moment an individual progress is impossible. In a context of the intellectual
reflection it is simultaneously both an intensive and constructive
reflection, depending on what potential will be attached from the group.
In the structure of 2nd level of integrity realising aware
(understanding) way of penetration in the problem "aside/together" "inquiries"
are called to protect group from the former movement, and increase its integrity in a
choice of a way. In a context of the personal reflection it is something between a
qualification and problematization.
In the structure of the kind coordination "inquiries"
taking into account an opportunity of an exit for the previous scheme deduce for an
evidence of forthcoming act of interaction;
In the structure of the tendency actualization "inquiries"
serves for acts of leading, for the move of a group as a whole or a coalition to more
complete and active functioning in a desirable direction for the initiator.
Thus, the positive effect of "inquiries"
consists in problematization of the substantial movement in a context of relations. A task
formulated in the instruction: "to solve it together " drives a layer of
behaviour characteristic for the subject for his/her self-realisation in the group. The
given layer is already differentiated on roles the leader - a subordinate as in the aspect
of interaction, and by way of substantial movement. In the field of activity it is the
leader position, in the field of the application and keeping of the leader role it is a
waiting one.
In the structure of the plan of individual activity "inquiries"
are mainly reduced to "motivations" and "problematizations". |