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function "management " IA


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the tendencies level of integrity


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Function "management" ("man") - realises aware meta-reflective functions by means of a speech direction influence on the other partner (s) with a statement of the scheme of the interconnected actions of partners within the framework of realisation of the certain way of interaction (realised or not realised). In such context as acceptance by partners this management the action develops accompanying sometimes with instructions, at non-acceptance a discussion is developed with mutual estimations.

Grammatically it corresponds to awakening of the concrete subject to a system of actions through the imperative form of a verb.

Examples. Recollect, untill I... I <Want> Petya to say something.

In the structure of the interpersonal sphere "management" realises a Group-Subjective realisation of a productive process by means of allocation of group as interrelations of potentialities to use, but without the obligation of the personal responsibility for realisation of the brought offer.

In the structure of the component interaction "management" provides a technological outline of the transformation of the condition given in the text of a task with the purpose of reception of the required answer in a context of circumstance of presence of partners or presence of a resource of partners. It takes into account the presence of partners both as potential and as an obstacle, therefore, "management" enters a system of actions (the initial way (the scheme) of interactions), but does not allocate the author of the way simultaneously into the object of management.

In the structure of 2nd level of integrity realising aware (understanding) way of penetration in problem "aside/together" "management" reconsiders unsystematic character of the former acts of interaction.

In the structure of the kind coordination: the interaction which is taking into account an opportunity of an exit beyond the previous scheme, reflecting non evidence of the previous acts of interaction;

In the structure of the tendency realization "managements" are carried out as directed the (personificated or co-ordinated) influences, demanding not a direct execution, but the basic account of the stated scheme

Thus, the positive effect of "management" " consists in comprehension of a reality of interpersonal relations. A task formulated in the instruction: "to solve it together " drives a layer of behaviour characteristic for the subject for his/her self-realisation in the group. The given layer is already differentiated on the leader role - a subordinate role also in aspect of interaction, and in the plan of substantial movement. In the field of activity it is a leader position, in the field of the status the subject is not in focus, the substance is in focus .

In the structure of the plan of individual activity "management" are mainly reduced in "motivations" and "phenomenologizations".

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Date of updating of the information 28.04.03