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function "claim"IA


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the tendencies level of integrity


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Function "claim" ("cla") - is an actualisation of tendency to overcome problemness of interaction, comprehension of existence of this interpersonal contradiction.

Most frequently it is grammatically realised by personal or impersonal questions. As a rule, function "claim" is combined with the function "question".

Examples: How we shall work? We look, it just has touched. < can not hide > and I already remember, what in this one. We look, it just has touched,

In the structure of the interpersonal sphere "claim" realises a Group-Subjective realisation of a productive process by means of allocation himself from the group as "a sensitive element " of needs to generate a situational or basic way of joint actions.

In the structure of the component interaction it provides a technological outline of the transformation of the condition given in the text of a task with the purpose of reception of the required answer in a context of circumstance of presence of partners or presence of a resource of partners. It takes into account the presence of partners both as the potential and as an obstacle in an actual experience therefore "claim" has substantial movement in a context of group as a personal priority on which the group reference of efforts is necessary. At the same time the connection with a substantial movement is superficial.

In the structure of 3rd level of integrity realising transforming meta-reflective way of penetration in problem "aside/together" "claims" will transform group into other quality, by means of the quality of leadership change. In a context of the personal reflection there is a direct analogy with "problematization".

  • In the structure of the kind consolidation "claim" together with pair function "way" provide construction of a new way of interaction as a whole as a generalised understanding of the further technology of co-operation and dialogue.

In the structure of the tendency actualization "claims" serve acts of leading, for the move of group and himself to the more complete and active functioning in a desirable direction for the group.

Thus, the positive effect of "claim" consists in problematisation of the way of interaction distracting from substantial movement but not for itself. A task formulated in the instruction: "to solve it together " drives a layer of behaviour characteristic for the subject for his/her self-realisation in the group. The given layer is already differentiated on a role the leader - a subordinate as in aspect of the unwrapped interaction. The role of the leader is obvious.

In the structure of the plan of individual activity "claims" are mainly reduced to "problematizations".

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Date of updating of the information 28.04.03