Transition in unit components




Returning in a component

the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere











mutual understanding





The kind "penetration" realises transforming type of relations of verbalization of readiness for necessity responsibly to understand a position of the partner at its maximum complete level in the same way to present a position to the partner.

In the structure of the interpersonal sphere the kind "penetration" realises Group-Subjective regulation of a productive process by means of transformation of relations to a context of joint activity of the purpose directed on realisation formulated in the instruction: "to solve a task together". In the perfection of explanatory force of ideas functioning in group is the sense (appeal) of jointness at the given stage. The opportunities of an estimation of the partner's potential as a carrier of the basic working loading the is sense (appeal) of jointness at the given stage.

In the structure of the component mutual understanding the kind "penetration" provides efficiency of the joint transformation of the condition given in the text of a task, by means of inclusion in a valid subject of activity of various subjects both for acts of the data transformation, and also for acts of mutual understanding, as prognostic inquiries of the intellectual scale of the carrier and an unwrapped explanation with the accent.

In the structure of 3rd level of integrity realising meta-reflective transforming way of penetration in a problemness and a conflictness "aside/together" the kind "penetration" reconsiders functions of 2nd level by means of addition in understanding of an aspect of the responsibility for the joint decision.

Thus, the positive effect of the kind "penetration" consists in development of a new subject of understanding in view of its carrier up to a level as much as possible providing a choice for a decider: to be in a stream of ideas of the leader or to search for an internal intellectual reserves. The leader confirms the status, removes restrictions in a speech arena and receives in his possession resources of the driven ones.

Transition in unit components

Date of updating of the information 28.04.03