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function "understanding"GA


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the tendencies level of integrity


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mutual understanding





Function "understanding" ("und") realises aware functions by means of recognition of necessity of a post-definition substantially or personally submitted position, disclosing through a question " why? ", that part which does not lay on a surface of dialogue,

Grammatically corresponds to awakening a subject (group) to concrete action through entering of the offer.

Examples. And what do you think? And why, and why What? And who? Well why? Why? What do you name an impact?

In the structure of the interpersonal sphere "understanding" realises Group-Subjective regulation of a productive process by means of deployment of relations in a context of joint activity of the purpose directed on realisation formulated in instructions: "to solve a task together".

In the structure of the component of mutual understanding "understanding" provides efficiency of the joint transformation of condition given in the text of a task, by means of inclusion in a valid subject of activity of various subjects both for acts of data transformation, and also for acts of mutual understanding, as inquiry on post-definition. In an expectation consists the sense (appeal) of jointness at the given stage.

In the structure of 2nd level of integrity realising meta-reflective aware (understanding) way of penetration in a problemness and a conflictness "aside/together" "understanding" reconsiders functions of 1st level by means of a formulation of inquiry about a deepening, a post-definition of understanding. The difference from a question (as intellectual reflection) is in addressing a question not to himself, but to the another one.

In the structure of the kind dialogization "understanding" promotes to comprehension of a position in which there are partners related to each other and the group as a whole, through judgement of discrepancy of partners orientation.

In the structure of the tendency actualization "understanding" serves acts of leading, on transition of the partner on more complete and active functioning by means of the requirement of a post-definition of his understanding, check own or easing of the partner as the competitor by a test for a substantiation

Thus, the positive effect "understanding" consists in deployment of a reality of interpersonal relations. A task formulated in the instruction: "to solve it together" drives a layer of behaviour characteristic to the subject for his/her self-realisation in a group. The given layer is already differentiated on a role the leader - a subordinate both in an aspect of interaction, and by way of substantial movement. In the field of activity it is a leader position, in the field of the claim and keeping of a role of the leader it is waiting.

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Date of updating of the information 28.04.03