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function "investigation" GA


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the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere










mutual understanding





Function "investigation" ("ivg") is meta-reflective transforming type of relations, it carries out by means of verbalisation of readiness for necessity to understand positions of the partner at its maximum complete level, it is expressed in questions such as what for?, what do you want?

Most frequently it is grammatically realised by personal or non-personal questions. As a rule, function "problematization" is combined with function "question".

Examples: your offers? Are there any opinions? As we understand, that... You want to tell, that they... Well, I want Peter...

In the structure of the interpersonal sphere "investigation" realises Group-Subjective regulation of a productive process by means of transformation of relations to a context of joint activity of the purpose directed on realisation formulated in instructions: "to solve a task together".

In the structure of the component mutual understanding "investigation" provides efficiency of the joint transformation of the condition given in the text of a task, by means of inclusion in a valid subject of activity of various subjects both for the acts of data transformation, and also for the acts of understanding of another, as prognostic inquiry of intellectual scale of the carrier. Opportunities of an estimation of potential of the partner as a carrier of the basic working loading make the sense (appeal) of jointness at the given stage.

In the structure of 3rd level of integrity realising meta-reflective transforming way of penetration in a problemness and a conflictness "aside/together" "investigation" reconsiders functions of 2nd level by means of a formulation of inquiry about the responsibility for an occupied position in understanding.

In the structure of the kind penetration "investigation" together with pair function "positioning" provides judgement of discrepancy of an orientation of partners and acceptance of the responsibility for realisation of this or that position.

In the structure of the tendency actualization "investigation" serves acts of leading as a transition of the partner to more complete and active functioning by means of linkage of understanding of the partner with the responsibility of the partner as inquiry. At "investigation" there is an intention as an orientation to itself about an estimation of potential of the partner.

Thus, the positive effect "investigation" consists in connection of two senses the ready to understand others and demand to others to explain oneself.

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Date of updating of the information 28.04.03