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function "notice"IA


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the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere










mutual understanding





Function "notice" ("no") realises notice tasks by means of realisation of an attempt of initial and superficial understanding of a position of the partner, expressing, in initial ex-articulation non clear material and the curtailed one, primitive inquiry about explanations of non clear material. It is mainly realised in the structure of the plan of group activity.

Grammatically corresponds to personal pronouns with interrogative intonation.

Examples. To you?

In the structure of the interpersonal sphere "notice" realises Group-Subjective regulation of a productive process by means of maintenance of relations in the context of joint activity directed on realisation of the purpose formulated in instructions: "to solve a task together".

In the structure of the component mutual understanding " notice " provides efficiency of joint transformation of the conditions given in the text of a task, by means of subjects' inclusion in a valid subject of activity both acts of data transformation, and also acts of mutual understanding, as the curtailed inquiry for- explanations.

In the structure of 1st level of integrity realising a meta-reflective notice way of penetration in a problemness and a conflictness "aside/together" "notice" add in a subject of judgement to available conditions, which is necessary to transform for reception of the required, the understanding of them by a concrete subject or group by means of allocation of the other understanding at the given carrier of understanding.

In the structure of the kind explication "notice" together with a pair (within the framework of 1st level of integrity) function "designation" provide display of a position in which implicitly there is a subject (person) of interaction.

In the structure of the tendency actualization it serves acts of re-addressing to the executor of own need of understanding.

Thus, the positive effect of "notice" consists in entering the new subject for understanding that is the specify of understanding by carrier. Translation from language of one carrier to language of other is made as prime recognising of non-understood in other partner and making inquiry about explanations.

In the structure of the plan of individual activity "notice" are mainly reduced to "motivations" and "phenomenologizations".

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Date of updating of the information 28.04.03