Function "presentation" ("prs") - realises
meta-reflective aware functions by means of a post-definition of understanding of the
partner, expressing in underlining the position;
Grammatically corresponds to awakening of the concrete subject to
a system of actions through the imperative form of a verb.
Examples. Well, I should think a little bit. You think. I think.
< To what side to approach. > I think. I can not hide it. We count, that each
contact is an impact. A... Well, it seems to me... Well here is such a.... You think,
that here is... Well, under your theory...
In the structure of the interpersonal sphere "presentation"
realises Group-Subjective regulation of a productive process by means of deployment
of relations in a context of joint activity of the purpose directed on realisation
formulated in instructions: "to solve a task together".
In the structure of the component mutual understanding
"presentation" provides efficiency of the joint transformation
conditions given in the text of a task, by means of inclusion in a valid subject of
activity of various subjects both for the acts of data transformation, and also for
the acts of mutual understanding, as the unwrapped explanation. In perfection of
explanatory force of own ideas is the sense (appeal) of jointness at the given stage.
In the structure of 2nd level of integrity realising
meta-reflective aware (understanding) way of penetration in a problem and a conflict
"aside/together" "presentation" reconsiders functions of
1st level by means of a post-definition of a position, understanding.
In the structure of the kind dialogization
"presentation" promotes to comprehension of a position in which there
are partners related to each other and the group as a whole, through judgement of
discrepancy of partners orientation.
In the structure of the tendency realization "presentation"
serves acts of leading or submission, passing to more complete and active functioning by
means of development of understanding, or by means of audit of understanding down to an
identification of the contradiction or removal of the contradiction. Removal of the
contradiction addresses to its carrier functions of "understanding" as an
explanation, non removal of the contradiction addresses to its carrier function
"presentation" as a submission.
Thus, the positive effect of "presentation"
consists in entering the new subject for understanding, that is the specify of
understanding by carrier. Translation from language of one carrier to language of other is
made as additional determination of other (by satisfaction of own or partner's inquiry).
In the structure of the plan of individual activity "presentations"
are mainly reduced. |