Function "positioning" ("psc") meta-reflective
transforming type of relations carries out by means of presentation of the supreme
personal bases (values) regulating this or that position.
Frequently it is grammatically realised by unwrapped offers with
personal pronouns or the personal names of partners in the function of a subject or the
addition, unequivocally determining addressing of the subsequent statement about the
valuable bases of activity of the subject.
Examples: <To discuss>. How shall we understand an impact?
It is necessary to know well. < we shall begin too >... < And between them how
much is to us to find out >?
In the structure of the interpersonal sphere "positioning"
realises Group-Subjective regulation of a productive process by means of transformation
of relations to a context of joint activity of the purpose directed on realisation
formulated in instructions: "to solve a task together".
In the structure of the component mutual understanding
"positioning" provides efficiency of the joint transformation of
the condition given in the text of a task, by means of inclusion in a valid subject of
activity of various subjects both for acts of data transformation, and also for
acts of mutual understanding, as accent in the unwrapped explanation.
Accentuation of a degree of the responsibility or a degree of the importance is a sense
for the author of "investigation", a sense for the author and "positioning"
is acknowledgement of the importance of a fragment of understanding by the others.
In the structure of 3rd level of integrity realising
transforming way of penetration in a problem and a conflict "aside/together" "positioning"
reconsiders functions of 2nd levels by means of acceptance of the responsibility for an
occupied position in understanding.
In the structure of the kind penetration "positioning"
together with a pair function "investigation" provide judgement of
discrepancy of an orientation of partners and acceptance of the responsibility for
realisation of this or that position.
In structure of the tendency realization "positioning"
serves acts of an individual or a group self-realisation, by means of development of
understanding up to maximum responsible position in mutual understanding.
Thus, the positive effect "positioning" joints
two senses: ready to understand others and responsibility for entering regulative of
common understanding.
In the structure of the plan of individual activity "positioning"
is mainly reduced. |