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function "asking" IA


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the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere










mutual concordance





Function "asking" ("ask") realises meta-reflective tasks by means of expression of necessity of response reception of disagreement absence (concerning presence of the co-ordinated confirmation). It is mainly realised in the structure of the plan of group activity.

Grammatically corresponds to a short question (frequently rhetorical) after the message of the affirmative information (interrogative fixing).

Examples. Yes? So?

Unwrapped speech formulas: Can I continue? Do someone feel a need to stop?

In the structure of interpersonal sphere "asking" realises Group-Subjective regulation of a productive process by means of maintenance of relations in a context of the joint activity directed on realisation of the purpose formulated in the instruction - "to solve a task together". Sense of function at the given level is the information on absence of expenses for an opposition and opportunities to stay at own logic.

In the structure of the component mutual-concordance "asking" provides efficiency of the joint transformation of the condition given in the text of a task, by means of inclusion in a valid subject of activity of various subjects both for acts of data transformation, and also for acts of elementary accommodation of own interests and account of interests of the other participants as studying (indication) of absence of opposition.

In the structure of 1st level of integrity realising a meta-reflective notice (allocating) way of penetration into an interpersonal problemness and a conflictness, and also a personal conflictness made by it, function "asking" starts a cycle of the co-ordination: both as a resource for the purposes of the individual, and as the most effective means of strengthening in the speech arena, and because of an effective self-control.

In the structure of the kind distinction "asking" together with a pair (within the framework of 1st level of integrity) function "confirmation" provides an obvious display of presence - absence of an opposition in interaction and mutual understanding.

In the structure of the tendency actualization "asking" serves acts of intention of accommodation of the interests (the status, comfort and so on) by means of revealing discrepancy of interests of the other participants.

Thus, the positive effect of "asking" consists in an impulse of expansion of a reality of interpersonal relations. A task formulated in the instruction, - "to solve it together" - drives a layer of behaviour, characteristic to the subject for his/her self-realisation in a group. The given layer is already differentiated on an active role of management of the others in aspect of interaction, but still no substances.

In the structure of the plan of individual activity "asking" are mainly reduced to "questions", "fixings".

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Date of updating of the information 28.04.03