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function "attraction" IA


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the tendencies level of integrity


component sphere










mutual concordance





Function "Attraction" ("atr") - realises meta-reflective aware functions by means of a formulation of inquiry about participation in an estimation of a co-ordination of substances, senses, positions.

Grammatically corresponds to awakening the subject (group) to concrete action through entering of the offer.

Examples: Do you hear a sound... Look. I.e., look. Do you feel? Look, there is.

In the structure of the interpersonal sphere "attraction" realises Group-Subjective regulation of a productive process by means of development of relations in a context of joint activity of the purpose directed on realisation formulated in the instruction: "to solve a task together". Sense of the function is the opportunity of connection of a resource of the other one and a higher level of self-realisation.

In the structure of the component mutual-concordance "attraction" provides efficiency of the joint transformation of the condition given in the text of a task, by means of inclusion in a valid subject of activity of various subjects both for acts of data transformation, and also for acts of preparation of joint decision making.

In the structure of 2nd level of integrity realising meta-reflective aware (understanding) way of mastering an interpersonal problemness and a conflictness "attraction" is counterbalanced an interest with a subject. Being more connected they are thus transpose the elusiveness and "preliminarity" of interest shown in the first level of integrity into the status of a figure, instead of a background. The second level of integrity develops inquiry about indication of an opposition in inquiry about a joint estimation.

In the structure of the kind correlation "attraction" promotes to comprehension of interests each other, through a joint evaluation (correlation) of idea to interests.

In the structure of the tendency actualization "attraction" serves acts of intention of a joint estimation of interests (knowledge, the status and so on).

Thus, the positive effect of "attraction" consists in entering the openness into the positions and shapes it in inquiry of agreement in common estimation.

In the structure of the plan of individual activity "attractions" are mainly reduced to "estimation" and "self-estimations".

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Date of updating of the information 28.04.03